Online Help & FAQ

My orders

How to order?

Choose the items you want to buy, either by typing a keyword (product, brand...) using the search engine, or by clicking on a tab (perfume, skin care, make-up...), or by using the drop-down menu listing all the brands at the top of the screen.
Add your products to your cart by clicking on "add to cart", if you want more than one, enter the quantity of the desired product and click on "add to cart". To add other products, click on "continue shopping".
Once you have added all your items to your shopping cart, all you have to do is click on "order". The details of your order are displayed, you can then click on "order" at the bottom of your shopping cart to continue.

Step 1: Identify yourself, check your delivery (choice can be changed in the next step) and billing details and click on "Next step". For more security, it will be necessary to identify yourself.
Step 2: Confirm your delivery and billing address by clicking on "next step".
Step 3: Check that everything is correct, select your delivery method, accept the general terms and conditions of sale and click on "next step".
Step 4: Check that everything is correct, select your payment method, and continue with the chosen payment procedure.
Step 5: Your order has been processed. You can print your order confirmation.

How to find a product on the site?

You can find a product in several ways:
- by typing a keyword (product, brand ...) using the search engine,
- by clicking on a tab (perfume, skincare, make-up ...),
- using the drop-down menu listing all the brands.

What are the forms of payment accepted ?

Accepted methods of payment are: Credit card (Visa, Eurocard / Mastercard, Carte Bleue), Paypal

Can I change my order?

You can request an order modification by email : or by telephone Customer services :  0033 4 92 52 86 18 Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 12:00pm and from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.

I have not received any order confirmation email or tracking of my package, why?

Order tracking emails are always sent to the email address registered in the billing address. If you do not receive them, we invite you to check and rectify the error in your customer account if this is the case. Otherwise, you can contact our customer services.

How to track the progress of my order?

Several solutions are available to you to consult the progress of your order. Firstly, please check your mailbox.
You can also connect to your "personal space" on and see the progress of your order.

What are my free benefits when ordering online?

Delivery is offered from purchases of 49 € and samples are included for all orders.

Can I edit my invoice?

The invoice is sent by email to the address indicated in your account.

Can I get a product catalog?

There is no paper catalogue, the site serves as a catalogue.

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